Tuesday 5 January 2010

How Resolute Are You?

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It's that time of year when we decide to make New Year's resolutions and if we haven't done so yet, we wonder whether we should. There are also those of us who, based on previous unsuccessful attempts, become cynical, wonder why we ever bothered trying, and so decide to do nothing. For the millions of people across the world who do make New Year's resolutions, it is estimated that only a mere 10% manage to achieve them.

The main reason for failing to achieve our resolutions is that we are not resolute enough. According to Merriam Webster's On-line Dictionary a 'resolution' is defined as:

(a) the act or process of resolving;
(b) the art of analysing a complex notion into simpler ones;
(c) the act of answering / solving.

A synonym to 'resolution'  is 'courage' which is defined as mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.

'Resolute' is defined as marked by firm determination, purpose, belief, resolved and unwavering.

If we are able to follow through our resolutions using the dictionary definitions of these empowering words, we are much more likely to succeed.

One of my New Year's resolutions is to build a personal and professional development retreat in Bali which, at the moment, is a piece of land that was a former banana plantation and is surrounded by a jungle of wild trees and wildlife. For this big resolution, there's lots to be resolved, it's a complex notion that needs to be analysed into simpler ones and a lot of questions require answering. This resolution requires courage, determination, purpose and unwavering belief.

Now that the excitement of buying the land has passed, a resolute character will determine success, as with any resolution we choose to make, no matter how large or small:

"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed."
Robert Cavett

Will my New Year's resolution be successful? Keep on reading this blog to find out ...........

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