Tuesday 19 January 2010

Accentuating the Positives

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Have you ever had one of those days or weeks where you think "why is this happening to me?" It's as though everything is conspiring against you and yet when you look more closely, these negative goings on, may have some positive repercussions.

Take last week in Bali, which had some challenging situations for me. In the space of two days the air conditioning on our rusty and dented hire car stopped working while driving in the sweltering midday sun. Shortly afterwards, the car broke down completely at Bali airport, so I ended up pushing it and I had guests arriving from our NoLimits Singapore Office with no transport to offer them. When I was given a much improved replacement car, we experienced a puncture in the middle of the Balinese countryside. The spare tyre was bald, bulging and half flat and when we finally arrived at a garage, the air machine was broken! After sorting out the punctured tyre and a new spare tyre, the hire company wanted to replace the improved car with the original, old dented car. When I asked to keep the new car, I was told I couldn't because it wasn't insured. I had been driving my guests on the potholed and perilous roads of Bali in a car that didn't have insurance!

Even though these situations appeared inconvenient at the time, if it wasn't for this whole series of events, I wouldn't have thought to check out the car insurance coverage. It turns out that I'm not covered to the extent I thought I was. By being driven to look into more detail, I have been able to sort out my insurance. I can now drive with peace of mind.

Turning around the negatives into positives can help us reframe situations for the better. What situations can you turn around for the better? As Michael Jordan, says:

"Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation." 


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