Monday 16 November 2009

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Patience is a Virtue

It’s been one of those weeks where my patience has been tested. I sometimes wonder whether it was just me who decided to move to Bali or whether the powers of the universe conspired to get me into this situation so that I learn to be more patient and tolerant. There’s the old clichéd saying ‘Patience is a virtue’ and yet how many of us do follow this or appreciate it? Nowadays with the speed of technology do we even need to be patient anymore? If I have a burning question about absolutely anything, I can ‘google’ it and have the information instantly available at my fingertips.

So what has triggered my thoughts about patience? I have been without an internet connection at home for two weeks and it feels like I’ve had my right hand chopped off. To top it all, Bali is having a number of powercuts for 3 months while the electricity lines are enhanced from a power station in Java. We’ve had 3 powercuts in the last week and a half and they last 5 hours at a time. I can’t connect with the outer cyber world from home and after 1 hour, I can’t use my laptop when the battery runs out. Having worked in executive coaching, training, career management and Human Resources for the last 20 years, I do recognise that I so easily fit the corporate mould of being impatient for results. I also recognise that I can learn so much from these new challenges that are presented to me.

Instead of getting frustrated and impatient, a skill which I can so easily do, I am learning the wonders of being patient. It makes me a better person. Rather than getting worked up into a frenzy, another skill which I can easily turn on, I am learning to be more resourceful. Rather than wearing myself out with a whole bunch of unnecessary emotions, I am able to channel my energies into positive and resourceful solutions.

1 comment:

  1. Patience is a virtue where you look within yourself.Your search for yourself is known by default when you are far away from the efficency of the corporate world and specially away from Singapore. We in India are used to all these powercuts and many atimes cut off from the outside world.Only in a couple of Metro cities we use full electricity.But it is the maddening crowds that get you. It is indeed a miracle how a huge city like Mumbai works. i wish i was far away ...from these maddening crowds.
    we have learnt to be resourceful in every way and that is what Patience teaches us.
