Tuesday 13 July 2010

Who Talks to Me Inside?

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Who talks to Me Inside?

Have you noticed an internal voice that talks to you?  Sometimes it can seem incessant, it always provides an internal commentary on everything you do and think. Sometimes it can help you and other times it can get in the way. It judges for you, whether you feel like it or not. You hear it speaking to you whether you want it or not and that little voice inside you has been talking to you for years.

I was surprised to be asked by my five year old daughter,

"Mummy, who is that who talks to me inside?"

"It's you who is talking to yourself. It's your own voice."  I advised her.

My daughter thought about my response for two seconds, looked puzzled that she should tallk to herself inside and then got distracted by her two older sisters. We were on the train, on our way to London to visit our special friends. My internal talk was feeling positive as I love London and my good mood was further lifted by a helpful ticket inspector called Vic, who was the sort of person who could even make a suicidal depressive feel good.

How we talk to ourselves inside will influence our thoughts and beliefs. When my friend, her three daughters, my three daughters and I were on the London Underground, a kind lady gave her seat to us. As we got off the train, I thanked her again for letting us have her seat and she whispered to me in an endearing, 'I could never do that' way, "Well, you are rather a lot!"

Even though we may have seemed like a lot, when we got on with what we intended to do, it worked out well. It may have had its challenges (particularly when we lost one of our daughters in Harrods!) and it may have been hard work (the weather was sweltering as we jumped on and off the London buses and Underground), but we could still enjoy ourselves and make the most of the opportunity.

Use that little voice inside to help you, rather than let it sabotage you.

As Henry Ford says:-

"Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you're absolutely right."

Take care of what you say to yourself inside.


  1. Absolutely right Janet. However my internal voice has been going ten to the dozen recently ... have had to tune it out in order to get stuff done!

  2. It is good to consciously silence that internal voice at times Jane, particularly when you find it is repeating itself to the extent of driving you crazy! Hope you're getting all your stuff done.
