Tuesday 2 February 2010

Being Prepared

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Yesterday, I took our 3 daughters to the Bali Immigration Department to have their fingerprints and photographs taken for their KITAS, a permit that allows them to live and study in Indonesia. Luckily I was warned by the Indonesian lady who was organising our girls' KITAS to take 'plenty of food, water and toys.' So I went prepared, armed with a picnic bag full of sandwiches, cookies, cakes and lots of water. I took a separate bag full of toys, games, cards and books to keep the children entertained.

We were asked to be at Immigration by 10am and waited until 1pm for our turn. The computer internet connection was so slow, it meant that there was a huge backlog of people who obviously hadn't prepared. They were looking bored out of their minds in a smoke filled, hot and airless room, with only one slow moving ceiling fan that looked as though it had seen better days. After having our photos taken, we proceeded to the police station. Ominously we were escorted to the department for criminals where they took our girls' finger prints once again. This time the corresponding paperwork was typed up on a typewriter, a piece of equipment that I haven't seen in years. We finally left the police station at 3pm and arrived home at 4.30pm.

All in all, it turned out to be a long day and I'm so glad that I hadn't organised anything else for this day. I'm amazed at how patient I remained through this whole painstakingly slow process. The difference that made the difference was that the children and I all went prepared. We had enough food to keep us going for another day if need be and we took enough entertainment with us to keep us amused.  Even something as simple as a game of snakes and ladders became an exciting means of entertainment as we patiently waited, having no idea when our names would get called. Thanks to preparation, my whole day with 3 active children ran smoothly and became more of an adventure rather than a tedious chore.

As Shakespeare has Henry V say "All things are ready, if our minds be so."


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